
Producer sues Tucker Carlson and Fox News executives in a discrimination lawsuit for joking about Nancy Pelosi’s breasts with images of her in a bathing suit

Published March 22, 2023 | By

Producer sues Tucker Carlson and Fox News executives in a discrimination lawsuit for joking about Nancy Pelosi’s breasts with images of her in a bathing suit NewsJive
Tucker Carlson at Fox News and a illustrating image over a bathing suit. (Pexels / Wikimedia)

A Fox News producer, Abby Grossberg, filed a discrimination lawsuit against Tucker Carlson and other top executives and producers at Fox News on Monday in a Manhattan court in New York City.

Grossberg alleges that Carlson and his associates in his team had posted funny pictures of congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, 82, in a bathing suit in the office everywhere as a “joke“.

In the lawsuit, Grossberg claims that during her first day at work in 2022 at the “Tucker Carlson Tonight” , she was “shocked to be greeted by many large and blown-up photographs of Nancy Pelosi in a plunging bathing suit revealing her cleavage.”

Grossberg also writes in her suit that “the images were plastered onto her computer and elsewhere throughout the office. Apparently, the ‘joke‘ was that Speaker Pelosi looked terrible in a bathing suit”, and that this was on example of “how pervasive the misogyny and drive to embarrass and objectify women was among the male staff at [“Tucker Carlson Tonight].”, Yahoo reports.

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